Commitment to the extraordinary capacity for change and growth

All of us have personal goals – from being more mindful, reducing stress, gaining more confidence, sleeping better and even achieving a goal healthy weight. Whatever they might be, my passion is to teach practical empowering methods that help people achieve their goals.

– Terrence the Teacher –
Mindfulness Coach

A passion for mindfulness

Mindfulness became a part of me after a life-changing event.
It can change your life.

Creator of The Brain Edit

A powerful mind altering enhancement programme, using Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP and Mindfulness meditation Coaching to overcome a negative habit or thought pattern.

Mindfulness Coaching

Individual mindfulness coaching combines proven coaching techniques with the principles of mindfulness – presence, non-judgment, and focused awareness.

Corporate Training

Integrating mindfulness into corporate training, companies can equip their teams with the skills to navigate stress, improve focus, and build resilience for the team.

An array of experience

Using a combination of Mindfulness Teaching, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Clinical Hypnotherapy I teach my clients how to access their own resources to change.

Mindfulness for You

  • One-on-One Sessions
  • Corporate Coaching
  • Multi-award winning Mental Health & Wellbeing Coach

Exclusive Retreats

  • The Brain Edit by Terrence the Teacher at Vermelho, Portugal, 6 – 9 April 2025.
  • Stay in touch to receive information.

The World is like a Silent Film,
You Write the Script

Terrence the Teacher

Most Innovative Mental Heath & Wellbeing Coaching Provider 2024, SME AWARD

– London 2024 –

Watch, Read, Listen

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